Shame Busters Journey To The Promises 

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Zoom  Meeting ID:  893 7605 2522

Passcode: Promises 

  • Hello, my name is ______ and I am an adult child of dysfunction, we are gathered for the Shame Busters Journey To The Promises 12 step meeting of ACA, for each of us to strengthen and accelerate our own recovery. This meeting starts at 7:00PM and ends at or a little after 8:15PM PST, and fellowship until 8:45PM PST.
  • Here are the step study meeting norms:
    • For safety of the meeting, cameras are required to be on. 
    • This is a safe place for everyone. Everyone is welcome here.
    • We have relaxed rules for crosstalk and giving feedback is allowed
      • Commenting on each other’s shares with your experience, strength, and hope is okay
      • Giving feedback within the cotext of "what I see," "what I saw," and "what I  heard" and "what I can relate to" using only "I" statements is also allowed.
      • Giving advice is not allowed. 
    • Confidentiality
      • Whatever is said at these meetings, stays at these meetings. 
  • Can we have a volunteer lead us in the 3rd step prayer? 
  • Let's all introduce ourselves by first name only and indicate how we're feeling, using the feelings & needs list or feeling chart if desired. This is a time to just share your feelings. 
  • We will begin reading and sharing from “Twelve Steps of Adult Children: Steps Workbook”.
    • We take turns reading from the ACA workbook. When we reach a question, we set a timer and write on it.  We suggest limiting your share to 5 minutes. Feel free to share multiple times if time allows. 
    • When a member has passed, please feel free to share or relate to the subject matter just read and how it affects you.
    • When everyone has had a chance to share, another member is encouraged to read.
    • When we reach a question we will set a timer for about 3-5 minutes to write on the question. Then we share on what came up during that time.
  • We are on page 68, question 8  (work on the book)
  • (At 8:00pm) Are there any meeting announcements or business to discuss?
  • This is a self-supporting meeting. Now we will collect the 7th tradition. This helps to pay for our group's Zoom account.
    • Please donate to our Treasurer's Zelle account using phone number: 562-484-8449, or PayPal @aleeseeah. 
  • This meeting sends out text reminders 2 hours before the meeting. Please let the secretary know if you would like to receive reminder texts.
  • Please let the secratary know if you would like to be added to the phone list or would like a copy.
  • Will a volunteer please read the ACA Promises?
  • Will a volunteer please close tonight by leading us in the ACA Serenity Prayer?
  • Now we are going to have fellowship. This is the time to ask any questions that were not addressed during the meeting.