Thursday Night, 5:00 PM PST

This is an open meeting and anyone who is respectful of our meeting guidelines is free to join! 

Autism/Pandas Parents
Time: Feb 22, 2024 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on THURSDAY 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 7339669963
Passcode: 127127

Dial by your location
        +1 669 444 9171 US
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


During this meeting, we read from the ACA "Big Red Book" If you don't have a copy and can't get one locally, you can order one online below. Nook or Kindle devices/App let you read electronically immediately.


Big Red Book ACA Nook Kindle
Strengthening My Recovery ACA Nook Daily Read
Step Study Workbook ACA   Amazon Kindle
Loving Parent Guidebook ACA    


Hello, My name is _______ and I am the Secretary for this meeting. Welcome to "Autism/Pandas Parents", a meeting of Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.


We meet to share the experience we had as children growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home. That experience infected us then, and it affects us today. By practicing the 12 Steps, by focusing on the Solution, and by accepting a Higher Power of our understanding, we find freedom from the effects of alcoholism and other family dysfunction. We identify with the Laundry List and learn to live in the Solution, one day at a time.

Will you please join me in a moment of silence followed by the ACA prayer.

You may have related to our readings even though there was no apparent alcoholism in your home. This is common because dysfunction can occur in a family without the presence of addiction. We welcome you.

This program is not easy, but if you can handle what comes up at six consecutive meetings, you will start to come out of denial. This will give you freedom from the past. Both you and your life will change.

In this meeting, we encourage reaching out to each other in mutual support and fellowship as "fellow travelers". Everybody is encouraged to share their telephone number by posting it in the zoom chat. Please indicate if you would like to have your number added to our text message reminders sent out every week before the meeting.

ACA Literature: We strongly recommend ACA books to aid in your recovery. Links are available at the top of this page. 


Anonymity: What you hear at this meeting should remain at this meeting. We do not talk about another person’s story or experiences to other people. Please respect the anonymity of those who share with us today.

Crosstalk: We do not crosstalk during this meeting which means we do not interrupt, refer to, or comment on what another person has said during the meetings. We do not crosstalk because adult children come from family backgrounds where feelings and perceptions were judged as wrong or defective.

Any group member who believes he or she has been cross talked can ask the secretary to read our full cross talk rules.



Thank you for being here and please keep coming back. If you did not have a chance to share, please speak to someone after the meeting. This meeting will be kept open so you can do so.

Would someone please read The Promises or Bill of Rights

ACA Serenity Prayer and the Self-Love Exercise.